Cat Who Was Lost For 11 Years Finally Reunites With Mom: Woman Thought Cat Didn’t Recognize Her

It seemed that Maggie Welz would never see her beloved cat again. But luckily, a miracle does exist! After 11 years of separation, they met again.

It all started with the fact that 11 years ago, they were celebrating Halloween in their city. Three-year-old Tiger got scared of something and ran away from home. The family tried to find him, pasted ads around the city. But the cat was nowhere to be found.

The search lasted for a long time. Eventually, the family moved to another house. Maggie warned the new owners that if the cat returned, they should tell her about it. But Tiger never showed up. The family resigned to the thought that they would never see him again. They were unfortunate.

Meanwhile, 11 years later, Tiger the cat appeared in Carol O’Connell’s yard. He looked scared and was afraid to approach people.

“He would come and go in cycles, vanishing for months at a time”,- said Lynne Meloccaro, executive director of the Dutchess County SPCA (DCSPCA) in New York. — “She fed him but never got too close because he got scared easily.”

The woman understood that the cat was kind; he did not trust anyone. But Carol showed patience and fed the cat from a distance.

Over time, the cat began to trust her. Carol realized that he used to be a pet. And she was pleased when she finally won his trust. The Tiger allowed her to touch and stroke him.

Then it occurred to the woman that he might have a chip. O’Connell, on a hunch, brought a scanner home from work to test whether he had been chipped — and discovered that he was.

O’Connell was ecstatic. The shelter then called the family who owned Tiger before, John and Maggie Welz. When speaking with the Welzes, they were in disbelief: Tiger had been gone for 11 years.

But Welz was shocked when they heard that their Tiger was safe and sound! She immediately rushed to the shelter. Tiger was a bit thin and had a problem with his eye, but generally, his health was satisfactory.

As it turned out later, the cat was constantly fed by caring people. That is why he could stay on the street for so long. He was tired of such life and decided to trust people for the second time.

When Maggie Welz arrived, she immediately took the cat in her arms. Everyone held their breath to see if he would remember his mother. The tiger sniffed the woman and leaned his head against her shoulder. She will remember this moment for the rest of her life.

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